04 octubre 2023 18:09
Brillante estancia aquí. Las habitaciones son preciosas, el área de la piscina es una locura, el desayuno es bueno, los cócteles son deliciosos, el personal es servicial y divertido. Realmente no puedo encontrar nada de qué quejarme.
17 septiembre 2023 7:02
Uno de mis albergues favoritos en los que me he alojado. Teníamos una habitación privada (cerrada) con una vista impecable. El área para comer de arriba es enorme con vistas panorámicas de 360 ​​grados. Los precios del restaurante y del bar son justos y regularmente tienen happy hour donde los cócteles están a mitad de precio. La piscina también es increíble. Lo único negativo a tener en cuenta es que el baño de nuestro privado estaba un poco deteriorado y no tenía agua caliente. Uno de los miembros del personal (¿gerente?) también tuvo una actitud grosera y presumida, pero nada de esto le quitó otros aspectos sorprendentes de este albergue. Para colmo, el albergue se encuentra justo en la entrada del Parque Tayrona. El ambiente del albergue es tranquilo y relajado. No es un albergue de fiesta si eso es lo que estás buscando.
06 septiembre 2023 17:07
UBICACIÓN UBICACIÓN UBICACIÓN! Vistas absolutamente hermosas sobre Sierra Nevada, amplias áreas públicas al aire libre, una piscina infinita grande y limpia en el centro de la escena social, y un menú y bar DELICIOSOS a precios muy justos (al menos viniendo de los EE. UU.para un fin de semana largo de vacaciones). Pulsera RFID para realizar un seguimiento de todos los gastos y pagar la factura al final, agradable y de alta tecnología. Un lugar mágico, hermoso y saludable para quedarse y relajarse, ¡a 15 minutos a pie de la entrada del PN Tayrona!
27 agosto 2023 2:54
The Journey Hostel es una magnífica opción para alojarte en la zona del parque Tayrona. Tiene habitaciones compartidas y privadas. La comida y bebidas muy ricas. La piscina con unas vistas excelentes. Muy destacable la atención de la simpática Silvia siempre atenta y proactiva. Gran profesional que hizo la estancia fabulosa!
16 agosto 2023 1:13
Hostal maravilloso! Bebidas increíbles y la piscina es muy agradable y refrescante, un albergue perfecto antes del parque Tayrona.
11 agosto 2023 16:10
Increíble lugar con una vista maravillosa. Hostal complaciente ya que cometimos un error en la reserva y nos alquilaron hamacas para permitirnos quedarnos. Ojo con lo que consumes porque es un sistema cashless y se tiende a empujar el consumo para que se vaya muy rápido.
20 julio 2023 21:47
Reservé una habitación doble por 2 días porque mi novia realmente quería venir aquí:) y tengo que admitir que fue una estadía muy agradable con comida deliciosa, personal agradable y una vista impresionante y una piscina realmente agradable.
18 julio 2023 7:02
Dulce ubicación, personal muy agradable y atento. Para el caballero que robó mi afeitadora y colonia de mi bolso, espero que los mosquitos lo molesten por el resto de su viaje. Creo que estarás bien teniendo en cuenta que también robaste todas mis pastillas contra la malaria.
27 junio 2023 6:36
Amazing location with a beautiful pool and view. Very helpful staff, great for organising tours. Free water.
However the dorms were a let down, very basic for the price - no curtains on the window, no privacy curtains, very small lockers, no lights or shelves by the beds.
Also the free breakfast only includes fruit for half the available time, and the cereal was dusty/stale and served with warm milk. Food and cocktails could be better. Family dinner not worth it - i would go for the late snack menu instead.
16 junio 2023 23:16
Unbelievable experience. They call it THE JOURNEY for a reason - once you get there, it was all worth it! Food is delicious and the kitchen staff are A+, you fall asleep to crickets and wake up to jungle birds chirping. It feels so natural and calming. Sit poolside and get some fresh Sierra Nevada air. You WILL feel restored after spending time here. I will go back to this place over and over!
12 junio 2023 0:37
Good hostel. The communal bar and pool area is very nice. The food is very tasty. The dorm rooms are a bit of a let down however, very cramped and hot, no working fans to cool you down at night. Ok for one evening. Close enough to Tayrona park by bus or moto taxi
13 febrero 2023 22:20
One of my favorite places to stay in Colombia with amazing staff and accomodation.
The pool is absolutely perfect during the day.
Great place to stay if you plan on going to Tayrona.
07 febrero 2023 15:25
One of the best hostel I've ever been to. The views were unreal, the food was excellent and the people we're so nice. The owner and his wife were very welcoming. Very affordable prices all around, I highly recommend staying here! I will definitely be back
03 febrero 2023 22:44
The amazing view does a lot of the heavy lifting for this hostel.
Food isn’t great but it’s your only option due to location. Dorm beds not very comfortable compared to similarly priced hostels in the area.
You obviously can’t expect the Ritz in the Colombian jungle but I didn’t feel this hostel was worth the money.
All staff were really approachable and helpful with the exception of the Aussie guy.
I don’t know if I did something to annoy him or he’s just not made for a customer facing job, but he definitely didn’t improve the experience. Maybe housekeeping would be a better fit.
26 enero 2023 23:23
La atención del personal me gusta mucho… una vista hermosa, tranquilidad, en general súper contento y satisfecho.
18 noviembre 2022 2:11
Really cool hostel with some of the best views I have ever seen. Rooms are comfortable, the bunk beds are a little squeaky but nothing that’s too bad.

This is fantastic hostel for solo travellers, nearly everyone I met was travelling on their own so there was a really social, laidback and fun atmosphere.

The staff are great, Adriana at reception, Silvia at the bar and everyone else were friendly, helpful and made the entire experience excellent.

Food is good and the nightly group dinners are a nice touch - makes it even easier to meet new people and both meals I had were delicious.

I would recommend here to everyone!
07 noviembre 2022 9:43
Awesome hostel within walking distance of the Tayrona national park. I had a private room, with stunning views over the rainforest and river. The pool is great, and there is a huge chill out area at the top of the hostel. Food was pretty good (not amazing), but everything else made up for it.
14 octubre 2022 3:32
Very quiet place. It is not for night party.just relax.beautiful infinity pool lacked some cleaning but otherwise fine.
07 septiembre 2022 15:03
The journey is the best place to stay if you enjoy being ripped off to the maximum and treated like a money making object. By all means stay here if you like soulless and heartless environments and being sucked dry of your money for the duration.

In all my 6 months of travelling South America I have never had such a dreadful and disappointing experience. My impression of the journey is extremely poor, terrible in fact. The best thing I can say is that it has a lovely pool and beautiful scenery. However, the positives stop there. I list my main concerns below which demonstrate overall that the journey overtly exploits its guests with no concern for their wellbeing.

Neglectful and inconsiderate management

- The owner was very rude, selfish and arrogant. During the course of our stay he had a large group of friends round who were loud & rowdy very late into the night. He even began to have a very aggressive argument with someone in the common area of the hostel. In general his demeanour was rude and he was uncaring of our well-being. He would be drunk almost every day at the bar. Terribly unprofessional and downright arrogant of him. He would often swear at staff members, even IN FRONT of guests.

- Additionally, the manager ignored our pleas to have some peace; she stood and argued with a man literally 2 metres from the hammocks where we slept at 1: 30am. They ignored our requests to move their dispute elsewhere. It was horrendously rude and quite frankly we were gobsmacked.

- Quite simply the staff made us feel worthless. It was as if they only cared about digging their hands into your pockets and taking as much of our hard earned money as possible.


- This leads me onto my next point of utmost concern; profiteering. Although branded as a backpackers hostel, prices and methods at the hostel were just ludicrous.
- Firstly, there are no alternatives in the area due to location, as the journey knows. Along with no facilities for guests. Therefore you are forced to eat a set meal every night with no choice.which
- The journey being stingy, greedy and solely concerned about profits provided incredibly low quality, low quantity and EXTREMELY overpriced meals.
- Alcohol and drinks were also ridiculously overpriced, with no alternative and a ban on consuming your own drinks.
- Overall it feels like the journey was simply taking advantage of their guests to the maximum degree possible.

Sleeping arrangements

- Whilst providing beds with nets, the hammocks are theoretically a cheaper alternative for budget wary travellers.
- At the journey they simply want your money and then they leave you to the mercy of the elements!
- However, we stayed in the hammocks for 4 nights and our experience was horrendous. The stingy journey did not provide us with a mosquito net, a pillow or blankets. And the hammocks were unclean, smelly & uncomfortable.
- Naturally, my friend and I were eaten alive by mosquitos and incredibly sleep deprived due to the poor conditions.
- To summarise, this is a further example of a lack of care for guests well-being.

Further general remarks:

- Reception far away and closes early;
- Only reggaeton music is played at the bar, and there are no other common areas to relax and have some peace;
- Very uncomfortable furniture with NO cushions in the entire hostel. Suffice to say by the time I left the hostel I had a very sore bottom indeed.
- There is little to no information about the local area and the staff make no attempt to help. Generally coming across as either unknowledgeable or simply uncaring. Shock.

To conclude, my friends and I were made to feel as if we were being sucked dry with absolutely no care for our welfare. I would never encourage anyone to stay here.
03 agosto 2022 9:41
El lugar es FENOMENAL, las habitaciones limpias, organizadas y con buen colchón. El bar funciona hasta las 10: 30 pm y puedes pedir cócteles o bebidas con o sin alcohol. La cena en la noche es a las 7 pm. La piscina es un espacio en un contorno bello, estar dentro de la sierra nevada genera un encanto perfecto para relajar la mente y descansar el cuerpo.
02 julio 2022 10:04
Best place during our stay. Amazing infiniti pool with a sunset view. Very nice breakfast included in private Rooms and the prive rooms are like Paradise!
18 junio 2022 21:44
Fantastic infinity swimming pool, good food selection on site and great vibes from the staff and hostel's guests
03 junio 2022 20:42
Podrían tener un mejor mantenimiento en general del espacio. Pero la comida estaba deliciosa y el lugar es bueno.
24 mayo 2022 9:31
El lugar es hermoso, pero la gestión caótica. Había reservado un espacio con 6 hamacas que me obligaron a pagar en su totalidad antes de llegar, y cuando llegamos (habíamos avisado que íbamos a llegar tarde), los voluntarios no sabían nada de nuestra llegada, y había gente durmiendo en nuestro espacio (que era muy sucio, con basuras y cosas olvidadas por otros viajeros). A dos de nosotros nos tocó dormir en la entrada del baño, se imaginan lo incómodo que fue…
No recomiendo este lugar.
25 abril 2022 4:34
Really nice place, amazing pool area and the rooms are nice - if you’re in a private room you get any choice of breakfast included which is good. Doesn’t seem to be run very well right now though - no one knows what they’re doing, mistakes with food orders, they didn’t know which one was our room when we turned up etc. Lots of little things that are easy to fix! Overall great place
04 abril 2022 0:12
Hermoso lugar! Excelente atención y muy amables todos. Queda súper cerca para ir a todas las cosas que hay para hacer por esa zona. Recomendadísimo.
27 marzo 2022 4:18
Amazing location and nice breezy room.
The beds are awful. All have a big dent/ hole in the middle so you get a bad back.
They have put their food prices up and cut the menu down so it’s very expensive.
Family dinners d as de over priced for what you receive. Always went to bed hungry.
22 marzo 2022 17:49
Una vista increíble, precios muy accesibles teniendo en cuenta la zona y el lugar. Excelente atención al cliente. Habitaciones y camas muy limpias y cómodas. La comida es deliciosa! Sobre todo el menú vegetariano.
Lo único que me faltó fue más cosas que se pudieran hacer como tal en el hostal aparte de la piscina que es hermosísima. Sin embargo hay muchos planes x hacer a los alrededores.
20 marzo 2022 22:13
El lugar es verdaderamente increíble. La vista es hermosa, las instalaciones son muy bonitas, el espacio es muy limpio y la comida es deliciosa. Pero no puedo darle 5 estrellas ya que todo está en los detalles y ahí es donde están todas las fallas. La cama de la habitación privada no tiene colchón sino colchoneta, nos dolió la espalda todo el viaje. Nunca nos entregaron la llave de nuestro cuarto y cuando preguntamos nos dijeron que ellos tampoco la tenían, entonces tuvimos que dejar nuestro cuarto sin seguro todo el tiempo. Aunque las personas que atienden el hostal son amables, les falta hospitalidad y hay mucha desinformación. Es un lugar que aunque es muy lindo, no volveré.
24 mayo 2020 5:09
We found the vibe to be strange and the room was dirty when we arrived. Food was "ok"
08 mayo 2020 8:29
Lovely hostel with great view, easy walk to entrance of Tayrona Park. Diner was really nice and theres a veggie option. Wear something a little bit warmer at night as it can get a bit windy.
30 abril 2020 5:45
Por la vista a la montaña, lo serca a la entrada al parque tayrona, de alli podra ir a otros lugares, queda a la orilla de la troncal del caribe
24 marzo 2020 13:26
La vista es genial desde el kiosko principal, el personal es súper amable y sonriente, lo visitaría de nuevo!
07 marzo 2020 20:38
Excellent! Best value in the area. We upgraded to the private room. The staff speak English, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish (of course) etc. Very chill vibe. The food is fresh and delicious. There are many activities you can choose to participate in if you choose. Great access to the beach with a small walk. They also offer things like horseback riding on a private beach. These activities are a fraction of the price elsewhere.
18 febrero 2020 18:26
Great service the people is super nice, we spent Christmas there and they made us feel like family on top of that they have super interesting activities everyday.

The views are just mind blowing, our room was one of the private rooms the name was like lovers' paradise and the name fit just perfectly.

If you're more on the adventure side there are lots of amazing places around in just a walking distance, there is a beach and a river close by that are just great
12 febrero 2020 4:04
This place was absolutely unbelievable, the private room was amazing, the food was great, the bar so cheap and the employees so nice! I also loved how many birds lived in the trees around the hostel. We had an amazing experience and look forward to coming back.
08 enero 2020 3:21
Ótimo serviço mas precisa melhorar a estrutura. Entretanto frente as opções de Santa Marta tem um ótimo custo benefício.
29 diciembre 2019 7:27
A good place to experience a different kind of hosteling. Built on a steep hill, it’s hard to take heavy luggage up and down. Dormitories are squeezed up so no space if you have a lot of stuff. It was difficult for us with heavy luggage, riding gear (suit, boots and helmet). We met other amazing travelers and had a really nice time hiking to the waterfall and playing games at their hilltop bar. It’s a great place to hang out and meet other travelers. They have a restaurant with good food. Light Breakfast is included.
30 noviembre 2019 21:15
Es un buen sitio apartado de la ciudad. Pero bien ubicado para tomar servicios de transporte. Es un lugar agradable que te permite disfrutar de un buen ambiente.
18 noviembre 2019 22:02
We really enjoyed our stay in this tree house like hostel with a cool vibe and an ultra friendly staff. The bamboo building uphill provides a magnificent view and the perfect hangout area to watch the sunset over the hills and the rio. Everything on the menu is delicious and the family dinner in the evening was always tasty, which has veggie options. To go to the beach you can pass the river and the jungle where you can spot different kind of monkeys. We also did a horse riding tour to a hidden beach which was great. We came back to this lovely place after the weekend to visit Tayrona Park which is on walking distance.
07 noviembre 2019 19:32
Great vibes because of the big family dinners you are automatically signed up for. After this the guests share some beers and games together in the bar which makes the hostel not just a place to sleep but definitely an experience. Very friendly staff (even joined us on their day off to the beach). Down side is that the hostel is currently building a pool, some facilities are not perfectly intact and there are no big lockers. (Good thing you drank beers with your dormmates)
17 octubre 2019 7:50
Overall we had a wonderful stay here. The staff are so helpful and friendly. The food is amazing - big compliments to the chef. It’s quite a walk up to the rooms but it’s worth it for the views you get. They have a great vibe here, with a bar with fairy lights, hammocks and games. You get breakfast included. They are still building here but that didn’t disturb us at all whilst we were away and I think once they’ve finished the facilities will be much better. There isn’t a kitchen as of yet but the food is a so good and very reasonable that it didn’t matter to us for a couple of days rest.
02 octubre 2019 6:05
Hostel hermoso muy cerca al parque Tayrona y con una vista y paisaje maravilloso; lo que mas me gusta, además, es su muy amable atención.
27 diciembre 2018 23:50
I was only in Columbia’s a little over two weeks and in such a short time I had one of the best experiences staying at this place, the owners and the vibez were to real.

They had plenty of different activities available for you to experience, they made breakfast, and it’s also and adventurous journey to Tyrona National Park!

It’s crazy to say that I miss people I only knew for a few days, but I do! A definite must if your looking for something different and you ever make your way to Santa Marta, Columbia!
20 octubre 2018 5:00
This place is truly amazing. We had been trekking in the park and were exhausted when we stumbled upon Journey hostel, a 3 minute taxi ride from the entrance to Tayrona Park -Zaino. We were so lucky to find this place: private and dorm rooms, tasty food, sunset views overlooking the mountains, welcoming and super chill staff, and finally - the dogs! They have two adorable dogs, and more animals roaming around. It’s truly a paradise in the jungle. The vibe is extremely chill, the founder designed all the huts / buildings himself out of natural local material using mostly bamboo. It gives the place an authentic vibe, but also fresh and very impressive. Our room was stunning, we had a private overlooking the mountain with the balcony open so we felt the warm breeze during the night. We had a big mosquito net included to cover the bed so we didn’t get bitten at night. The en suite shower was lovely, they gave us fresh towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner. There was however a little gecko in our shower, but we liked him so we’re happy to have the little guest. We’ve stayed at hostel all around South America, and this one has everything you could dream of, even a happy hour overlooking the sunset in hammocks. The prices for everything was extremely good, cheaper than other hostel we’ve found. The owner did everything he could to make sure we had all our needs met. My friend didn’t have another clean shirt because we had hiked so much and the owner gave us a shirt he had since all the stores were clothes. They had unreal food for dinner and lunch, family style but truly best I had in tayrona — fish tacos, burritos, etc, and breakfast was included early at 7am before we set off for our next hike. The owner has plans to construct amazing new spaces, so I will be back to see what beautiful developments him and his team make. Thank you for a fantastic stay! ’

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