15 enero 2024 12:39
Muy amable, servicial y serio (buenas listas de verificación y equipo necesario en préstamo). Por encima de eso tuvimos una gran guía, Leider. Considerándolo todo, una maravillosa caminata de 2 días.
13 octubre 2023 22:13
Sólo puedo compartir mi información sobre el precio y es demasiado amplio. Encontré una guía muy buena por la mitad de precio en otro lugar. 300 euros por un recorrido de 2 días, que es simplemente una caminata normal, sin nada especial y sin dificultades, es demasiado pedir. Probablemente sea el tour más caro que puedas encontrar en Salento. La vista allí arriba es bonita. Nosotros subimos a 3600 m de altura y la vegetación es espectacular.consejo profesional. Recorre el centro de la ciudad y busca mejores ofertas en WhatsApp.
22 septiembre 2023 6:38
¡Qué gran experiencia con ParamoTrek!
La caminata en sí fue increíble, la descripción muy precisa, la comida excelente y los guías increíbles. ¡Totalmente recomendado!
19 septiembre 2023 23:05
Caminata de 2 días realmente inolvidable con Páramo.
Nuestros guías Andrés y Novierto fueron realmente amables y atentos. Aprendí mucho sobre los ecosistemas en el camino y las vistas fueron impresionantes.
Todo estuvo súper bien organizado y los guías incluso nos tuvieron algunas sorpresas en el camino. La mejor experiencia en Colombia hasta el momento.
17 septiembre 2023 19:56
Hicimos la caminata de 2 días a Finca Argentina en el verano del 22 y fue una gran experiencia. La Finca era demasiado básica para nosotros, de ahí las 4 estrellas, pero nuestro guía Christian hizo un gran trabajo al guiarnos a través de una caminata bastante difícil con una familia con niños de 14 y 17 años. Hermosas vistas, inmersas en la naturaleza, ¡definitivamente lo recomiendo!
05 septiembre 2023 17:46
¡Increíble experiencia en el Parque Nevados con Oscar! Si tan sólo hubiéramos tenido más tiempo. El tour de 2 días a La Primavera estuvo muy bueno y pudimos caminar por el Páramo por unas horas, ¡pero valdría la pena pasar 3 o 4 días en este hermoso lugar!
¡Muy bien organizado, muchas sorpresas agradables en el camino y gente muy acogedora y agradable!
29 agosto 2023 0:23
¡Gran experiencia con nuestro guía José! Alegre, nos explicó muchas cosas sobre el medio ambiente durante nuestro paseo. Es atento, profesional y mantiene la calma cuando sucedieron imprevistos durante nuestro viaje, ¡gracias José!
14 junio 2023 4:58
The nature lookout hike was one of the best organized multi day hikes I have done! With a great knowledgeable guide (Fabiene), who gave us a lot of extra information! And tons of beautiful viewpoints.
22 mayo 2023 18:34
Really a great company, well organised and professional. Out guide Cristian was very professional and knowledgeable too.
Unfortunaly there was a volcano eruption on the second day and we had to end out trek early due to a national park closure.the company handled this from a safety first perspective which was appreciated and we were given a partial refund.
17 mayo 2023 15:31
The Paramillo del Quindio experience was absolutely wonderful. Highly recommend it. Julian was a great guide that was full of nice surprises.

We did have to wait for an hour for our ride back to Salento at the end of the trek. That's one area for improvement in the future to have the ride already there once we end the trek. It would make for an even nicer conclusion to the experience. Thanks Paramo!
22 abril 2023 9:53
Incredible tour company. Very responsive and informative pre tour. My 3 day trek was cancelled due to volcanic activity, and they were super helpful in getting me on a day hike that would meet my desires (as much as possible). Great day hike in pretty area with intelligent, funny, interesting and passionate tour guide, Mafe. Highly recommend.
26 marzo 2023 22:07
It was a beautiful and rewarding hike despite the rain.guides were helpful and super friendly.fellow hikers were amazing.fincas were quite basic, but, coming from the lost city trek… definitely a step up:)

one thing is that i wish the operators were more forthcoming about the trek conditions.i asked multiple times over text regarding the chances of rain, and paramo said “they can never be sure” as the andes were “unpredictable”, so they refused to give me an answer.but everyone on the mountains, including the guides, told me that chances of rain each day was 95%+ during the time i was there.i should’ve done more research myself, but had i been told about the rain in advance, i would’ve made a more educated choice before booking.also was told that there was service at the fincas, which was simply false; there wasn’t even a cell tower anywhere close
20 marzo 2023 8:41
Beautiful landscape, but a lot of people. Actually don't like it if it is to crowdy, but than it is safer.
20 febrero 2023 18:59
¡Un trekking increíble con 4 guías increíbles: Rafa, Sigolene, Santi y Fabian!
Éramos un grupo de 14 para una excursión de 2 días. Nos acompañaron con mucha amabilidad y paciencia, nos dieron consejos sobre la subida en todo momento ¡sin olvidar los conocimientos que tienen sobre la fauna y la flora! Dormimos en una finca con unos hospedadores muy amables y al día siguiente subimos hasta los 4200 metros. ¡Sin olvidar el picnic sorpresa que nos prepararon nuestros guías a la vuelta! Le recomendamos que les pregunte por su futuro trek.
20 febrero 2023 12:16
My 2 day trek from Cocora Valley up to 4000 meters at the Nevado del Tolima was a challenging but nonetheless unforgettable and breathtaking experience that I can highly recommend to anyone. Staying at the Finca Buenos Aires was a rustic and unique experience, bring warm clothes for the night. Our guides Andres and Felipe were very knowledgable, empathetic and highly professional and spoke amazing English as well as Spanish. The meals as well as snack packs were absolutely sufficient and we learned so much about the flora and fauna of the area. I can recommend Páramo trek to anyone, thank you for everything!
19 octubre 2022 12:50
We had an amazing experience with Paramo. Not only was the guide, Santiago, great, but their approach to logistics is very good as well. Overall, this is a very professional organisation, that we would 100% recommend.
10 octubre 2022 16:31
J’ai fait un trek de 3 jours au mois d’août pour l’ascension du Paramillo Del Quindio. Le parcours était très beau et tout était bien niveau infrastructure et nourriture pendant les trois jours. Cependant j’ai trouvé que le guide n’était pas à la hauteur dans le sens où j’étais souvent laissée seule en arrière car j’avais un moins bon rythme. A un moment, je me suis perdue et je ne voyais plus du tout le groupe ce qui n’est pas du tout normal et même dangereux quand on évolue en haute montagne. Un guide est censé vous accompagner et vous encourager et non pas vous laisse seul en arrière.
11 septiembre 2022 13:20
I just come back from a 4 day trip to the Summit of the Volcano Tolima with the crew of Paramo Trek. It was one of the hardest, most challenging but also best and craziest things I’ve ever done, it was soooo worth it. As I arrived on the top of Tolima at 5200m msl.it was such a stunning and emotional moment for me, what a crazy trip. I’m really thankful to the hole team of Paramo Trek, they are all real professionals, how they organise it, all the information you get, the breefing on the day before all is really good. And than the tour itself withe the Guides was amazing, we where a group of 6 people and had 3 Guides, and while hiking we mostly split in 3 groups. With 6 people they usually send 2 Guides but there was on inexperienced guy and that was the reason that there where 3. In my opinion that shows how they are really doing their best to make it a perfect tour for everybody. The Guides are super friendly, take a lot of care, motivate you if you need it and take a lot of care about safety if it’s getting difficult, they are real professionals at what they are doing, it was amazing to hike with them. Not all if them speak english and I didn’t always get everything, but thats the foult of my spanish:) and it didn’t make the experience less amazing and professional. And of course all the rest is perfect as well for example the food and snacks, the equipment you get and that you don’t have to carry a lot of equipment, just a daypack for some different weather conditions, but you get all the information and if you have any questions just ask them, they’ll tell you everything:)
If you like hiking, I can highly recommend to do it with them, you will not regret it
07 septiembre 2022 4:05
My husband and I climbed the Santa Isabel Volcano, and although I couldn't reach the summit, my husband did. Paramo Trek's guides were fantastic; they're a group of outstanding professionals who help their clients get to the top of the mountain. My deepest gratitude to the teammates for this incredible experience.
24 agosto 2022 19:31
Nous avons réalisé le trek de 3 jours de salento à Pereira du 15 au 17 juillet. Nous avons passé un incroyable moment en compagnie de nos guides. Des vues extraordinaires, des guides à l’écoute et toujours prêt à aider, une ambiance générale super! Des snacks / les plats /… sont déjà prêt et vous attendent. Nous étions novice en ce qui concerne les treks mais celui-ci nous a clairement donné envie de réaliser d’autres trek de ce genre dans nos futurs voyages.
Une expérience au top que je recommande les yeux fermés. Nécessite quand même une condition physique correcte. Essayez de minimiser le poids de votre sac pour avoir le plus facile.
Petite pensée au guide José qui est venu nous rejoindre et avec qui nous avons pris un verre le soir même après le trek
23 agosto 2022 10:20
Both the team in the office as well as the mountain guides provide highly qualified expertise and reliability. With Páramo Trek you can find a unique experience in the National Park Los Nevados.
01 agosto 2022 14:05
Had the most amazing time with our wonderful guides Andres and Dayhana! They were so nice, patient and just great to spend 3 days with.
The trek itself was absolutely stunning and a nice challenge for us: from experiencing all type of weather to going up to 4,400m, we will have this trek engraved in our memory forever. I cannot recommend Paramo Trek highly enough.

Thank you again for such an amazing adventure and for making the first part of our Trip in Colombia a delight
13 junio 2022 18:41
Hemos pasado un gran dia en el Valle de Cocora. Todo fue perfecto. Recogida en el hotel, 20 minutos en carro hasta el Valle de Cocora y hemos estado 2-3 horas de caminata con las explicaciones de nuestro guia Christian. Buen lugar para probar comida local en el almuerzo y despues fuimos a una finca para aprender sobre el proceso del cafe con degustacion. La organizacion fue perfecta y hemos pasado un dia increible en Salento:)
28 mayo 2022 3:43
Great experience with Paramo Trek. We did a 3-day trek (cruzando Los Andes centrales), and it was amazing. The organization of Paramo Trek is just wonderful! Our guide, Esteban, was excellent, friendly and very attentive. The landscapes were beautiful, even if it was often cloudy. You have to be prepared to sleep in rustic farms, bringing warm clothes, and not to be afraid of walking during hours (possibly under the rain). But it worth it! If you like trekking, just go for it with Paramo Trek, you won't regret it! Thanks again to Esteban and all the team.
21 mayo 2022 19:41
Had a great time walking for 4 days in the Park. We had an amazing guide, Diana, who was lovely and very knowledgable of the region.
It can get rainy, so do take all the necessary rain equipment.
13 mayo 2022 5:03
We chose to do our trek with Parmo Trek company.and from the first moment we got a treatment of professionals, they halp us to plan ghe trek to organize the trek in the bast way.
And abve all our guide LEO was exceptionally good.
30 abril 2022 2:34
Notre trek avec Paramo a été une aventure incroyable. Nous avons fait un trek de 3 jours-2 nuits de Manizales à Salento. Notre guide, Diana, était fantastique! Très professionnelle, super sympa, elle nous a fait nous sentir totalement en sécurité et ses explications sur la géographie locale ainsi que la flore et faune était très intéressantes. La nourriture et les snacks étaient délicieux et nous ont largement suffit. On ne peut que recommander chaudement cette super agence!
12 abril 2022 11:03
We had an amazing experience with Paramo Trek! All the guides and staff were professional, caring and friendly. Definitely worth the price.
06 abril 2022 11:12
Un grand merci a Paramo Trek et en particulier à notre guide José Romel: le trek de 3 jours a été très bien organisé et José a été le guide parfait. Il a partagé son amour de ce massif montagneux extraordinaire, sa connaissance sur la faune et la flore, l’histoire des lieux, … c’était un grand plaisir. Sans parler de son écoute et des petites attentions qui font la différence

Merci à tout l’equipe!
02 abril 2022 22:34
My guides Leon and Saida were absolutely top notch. We took on the summit of the Paramillo del Quindio, and between the long days and high altitude in the paramo, it is easily one of the most challenging treks I've taken on. Fortunately, I was in exceptionally considerate, competent, and compassionate hands. Their orienteering and general professionalism was paramount (Saida made an impressive rough camp for lunch at the base of the Paramillo which felt lifesaving in that moment), but it was also easy to relax in their company and engage in some playful Spanglish. Breaking bread with them at the fincas (and getting treated like royalty by the hosts relative to the DIY backpackers), sipping on aguapanela, and marveling at the astounding biodiversity and otherworldliness of Los Nevados were a few of the many highlights. I highly recommend this adventure outfit - between my experience and word of mouth, it seems all their guides are excellent.
27 marzo 2022 2:39
Had the best trek we could ask for! We did the 4 day to los nevados, from salento to pereira. Although it was quite hard due to rain, our guides were super professional and help us walk through it. The company's people were very friendly all over the preparations and during the trek and adapt themselves to the group's pace and wishes. If you are going trekking- go with Paramo!
09 junio 2020 13:42
We did the Salento to Manizales trek in Feb 2020 and it was incredible, really the highlight of our trip to Colombia. The scenery was amazing, like nowhere else I ever been, and with so much variety. The accommodation is very basic, but such an experience to be able to stay with local farming families, and they gave us a warm welcome and hearty, tasty meals. Our guide was Oscar and he was absolutely brilliant. His English is perfect and this meant we could have great conversations while we trekked. He was energetic, thoughtful, knowledgeable and he clearly loves the area. A very professional guide and company for an unforgettable trek.
23 abril 2020 19:06
Super trek de 4 jours avec Paramo Trek. Très pros (beaucoup plus que toutes les agences qu'on a testé en Colombie jusque-là), attentionés, intéressants. Avec l'aide de notre guide Julian, nous avons traversé le parc de Los Nevados sur 68 km, et fait l'ascencion de Tolima jusqu'au glacier, magnifique!
30 marzo 2020 1:54
We hiked paramillo del quindio with paramo trek and had an amazing experience, the views are just stunning, our guide Manolo was a great coach and super knowledgeable on the ecosystem, and the farm we slept in was super cozy, with great food and even a hot shower ;)
29 marzo 2020 6:52
Très bien organisé, excellents guides connaissant parfaitement l'endroit. En bonus on mange très bien.
10 febrero 2020 11:53
Paramo Trek is an amazing company to work with. They ensure that everyone is well prepared for any trek that you wish to undertake. We loved the fact that they prepared snack bags for our trip! They are also so incredibly accomodating. I had asked them to help with my engagement. The effort that they put it to make it special for myself and my fiancee was above and beyond what I expected. They made beautiful signs and prepared flowers for the proposal which was done along the trail. The memories that we have of this will be cherished forever!

Our guide Camillo was very knowledgeable about the wildlife/fauna and was always making sure we were doing okay on the trek. He also prepared the proposal site and even acted as our photographer! We are so grateful for both him and the company. We 100% recommend them for any treks in Salento!
03 febrero 2020 16:45
I did a two day trek with them and it was super challenging but very nice. For the price you get a lot of thoughtful extras that other tour operators do not offer. Our guide Luis was very nice and knowledgeable. The finca where we slept was very basic, but clean. Gloria made delicious food and the animals are just adorable. Hiking up to the paramo was amazing. I can only recommend it!
14 diciembre 2019 5:46
Excellent tour guides. Very professional, friendly and helpful. We did a 3-day trekking from Salento to Manizales and had an AMAZING time.
12 diciembre 2019 22:54
Páramo Trek se ha convertido en uno de los mejores referentes para hacer trekking en Colombia, se hacen cargo de los detalles que garantizan que toda la experiencia sea un éxito total. He hecho tres viajes con ellos, Cumbre del Tolima, Paramillo del Quindío y Cocora, he visto de cerca el trabajo que han desarrollado con las personas que viven en las fincas, la preparación y el trabajo pedagógico que hacen con los guías y el nivel de especialización que han desarrolado para acompañar a los viajeros a prepararse para un viaje que lo enfrenta con sus limitaciones. Llevo 8 años trabajando en turismo, he conocido más de 15 empresas de Montañismo en Colombia y sin duda, Páramo Trek sigue siendo la mejor.
27 noviembre 2019 10:36
Meilleure agence de Salento, les guides sont des natifs de La région et personne ne connais mieux les lieux et le biotope des alentours.
25 noviembre 2019 15:33
Initial contact and booking by email was very professional and friendly.
Guide Ricardo was very good and super friendly. We had a really great time.
24 noviembre 2019 9:55
Un excelente servicio, todo estuvo perfectamente coordinado, los guias y chicas de la oficina son muy profesionales, y todo salió perfecto.
Hay muchas opciones y dude en elegir, pero ahora digo con toda seguridad, Paramo Trek es la mejor opción.
08 noviembre 2019 3:26
This is one of the best tour companies I have come across in Colombia. They have a real passion for the local wildlife, nature and history. They also really care about the pact of tourism and how to be sustainable. We did the full day hike to Corcora and the day bike trip with Alejandro. Both were excellent, especially the bike trip. We saw beautiful rare hummingbirds, played some fun games at the lunch stop at a local farm (with delicious home cooked meals) and learned so much. The nature here is truly stunning. I cannot recommend this company more.
30 octubre 2019 9:59
La mejor experiencia, gracias por ser tan amables y por darme todo un viaje casi mágico, me encantó la atención por parte de la señorita Mariana y Dallana que me llenaron de grandes aventuras, sigan asi, lo recomiendo siempre
01 octubre 2019 6:18
With 17 guys we did the three day los nevadas hike. It truly was a brilliant experience. Beautiful scenery, nice hosts, and the guides (Matty, Jose, Freddy and Julio) were amazing.

The guides were very professional and helped us with all our requests making the trip unforgettable. They made sure of our comfort, told us about the present flora and fauna, and briefed us properly before each hike. Communication went well although not all guides spoke English. The guides also took pictures that they shared afterwards.

The hike was quite challenging but doable for most of us, the humour of the guides definitely helped. Be aware that you will be hiking at an altitude of 4000m, a good condition is therefore required. Due to the four guides we were able to split up in smaller groups based on our different physical abilities. We were provided with the necessary rain protection and hiking sticks. It is recommended to bring a proper rain / wind jacket as it can be windy.

All with all a magical experience that we truly recommend to anyone considering it. A sixth star would suit our journey.
16 agosto 2019 11:51
Had a fantastic 4 day trek through the Nevado National Park with Paramo. The guides are all experienced, selfless and knowledgable and clearly care that you thoroughly enjoy the trip. The accommodation is basic, though this is clearly stated and ultimately to be expected. (Do be prepared to share a bed with a stranger though!)

The landscape flora and fauna speak for themselves and it is really worth taking a multi day trek to venture far enough to get lost in it.

Sadly, the trip soured right at the end; I found the owner to have a very poor attitude when I tried to submit a totally legitimate complaint. My advice to hikers is to double and then triple check the details of the trek as it is clear there is some conflicting information between guides within the company about the routes agreed upon. Moreover, if you are a strong hiker it may be worth booking a private tour as the guides will always pander to the needs of any slower members of the group.

Overall however, a fantastic experience.
12 agosto 2019 14:54
Super. Great 4 day trek. Excellent Guides. Top gear and planning. Much recommended. Only glitch was the third days hut which had no heating and we were left in 0 degree temperatures in the room without sleeping bags or blankets for almost 2 hours. We had hyperthermia and exhaustion and this lack of planning or thought is not understandable on the part of the agency. They need to provide adequate warmth in all stays. The first 2 huts were great. Apart from this very unfortunate situation everything else was faultless and a great adventure.
18 julio 2019 11:29
Amazing 4 days experience with Paramo trek on the Andes Tropicales tour! Typical accommodation, good food, flexibility.and great guide (Thank you Yessid, sorry for misspelling)

Increíble 4 dias experiencia con ellos en el Circuito de los Andes Tropicales! Alojamientos tipicos, comida rica, flexibilidad.y exelente guía! Muchas gracias Yessid ;)
19 junio 2019 20:20
Je recommande à 100% cette agence! Ce fût une expérience fantastique avec des guides vraiment géniaux! L'organisation est super, pleins de petites attentions et un accompagnement exceptionnel! Un grand merci à José, Santiago & Mattias pour avoir fait de ce trek un moment inoubliable
18 junio 2019 14:17
Excelente equipo de trabajo! Las fincas muy cómodas, los guias tienen mucho conocimiento y son muy atentos. La logística estuvo increíble. Super recomendada esta compañía ahh y los paisajes son maravillosos
31 mayo 2019 4:26
Muy buen equipo para los recorridos en alta y media montaña. Muy recomendado, excelente atención y calidad de servicio.
25 mayo 2019 15:07
Lifetime experience! Amazing logistic and team. Highly recommended to anybody that is looking for adventure! Our group was in good hand with Yecid, our guide, who took care of us during our 4 days trek (2 summits, Quindio and Tolima glacier border)
15 mayo 2019 2:50
One of the best trekking experiences I ever had! The organisation is superb! Our guide was very helpful as in the first day were struggling with the heavy rain. He also organised a picnic in the mountains and generally everything was perfectly organised! By far and large the highlight of our entire Colombia trip! I strongly recommend them!
21 abril 2019 13:36
Parano trek is definitely a reliable agency for trekking in Los Nevados. I have done the 3 days to Paramillo del Quindio, wonderful landscapes and really amazing experience. Paramo Trek organized everything for us and with proper and safe equipment. If available, ask to go with Santiago, he knows these montains as his home and he will do everything for you to get the best trekking experience in Los Nevados. Don't hesitate anymore, just go!
04 abril 2019 16:43
We did an awesome 3 day trekking, Paramillo del Quindio, and it was a highlight of our trip in Colombia. The Paramo was stunning in its diversity of landscapes and climates.

It's not for the faint of heart though; we frequently do day hikes but the terrain+distance+altitude made this the hardest thing we've ever done, mentally and physically.

The company is well-run and attentive, and our guides (José and Matty) were professional and just really nice. They were very knowledgeable about the surroundings, and kept the group motivated and at a good pace during the whole trip.

The overnight farm wasn't really comfy (old, cold, not very welcoming), but that was out of PT's control. And they still worked hard to make everyone feel good! Plus, you're in bed exhausted by 20h00 anyways ;)

A quick summary of the trip: a little under 20km per day, max altitude in day 2 4750m, mountainous terrain with lots of ups and downs.

Day 1: euphoria from being able to do something this physically demanding, Day 2: euphoria from being able to reach the top of Paramillo del Quindio on willpower alone, Day 3: tough and tiring. Don't forget it's still a long and demanding trek back!
02 abril 2019 17:54
If you plan on visiting PNN Los Nevados, look no further. You GOTTA go with Paramo Trek. I made it to the summit of Nevado del Tolima with their guidance and it was truly unforgettable. Would give 6 stars if I could!
01 abril 2019 18:48
We heard how good Paramo Trek agency on the internet so decided to contact them for a trek in Los Nevados, while in Salento. We were not disappointed. First, they were very patient and knew everything there was to know about all the treks when we visited their office for some information. We chose to do the 4 days Santa Isabel hike. We went with Joge and Sebastian for the trekking part and had Felipe for the final climb. They were all so nice, patient, passionate, flexible, professional, we couldn't have asked for more. Sebastian, whom we were with for the entire trek, gave us so much information about the park, animals, plants, volcanoes, etc. It was so interesting! Organisation wise everything was perfect. Overall, we had an amazing experience! Personally, one of the best thing Ive ever done in my life. Ive been doing treks in different countries for the past few years and Paramo Trek really steps up the game. The best agency Ive ever had to deal with. 1000% recommend going with them. It was extraordinary. Would do it again tomorrow. Thank you!
13 febrero 2019 18:06
Super agence de trek! Nous avons réalisé le trek de salento à potosí (manizales) sur 3 jours. Très bonne orga pour gestion de l'eau, des repas. Nos 2 guides Freddy et manolo étaient extras, supers, humains, à l'écoute, très sympas et surtout très pro. Des petites surprises à la fin du trek. Je n'en dis pas plus pour ne pas spoiler! Paysages incroyables, groupe très sympa, fermes accueillantes pour les nuits.très bien avec le nécessaire basique et gens super sympas!
Une très belle expérience! Merci!

Trek from salento to Potosi (manizales)
Wonderful experience! Very good agency. Good organization! Our 2 guides manolo and Freddy were so human, so nice, so professional, everything was perfect. The places where we slept were very welcoming with all the basics necessary!
Wonderful landscapes. Perfect group.
Thank you very much for this amazing experience! See you soon!
16 octubre 2018 12:39
Good tour operator, a lot of attention to detail. Knowledgeable guides, thats why its worth to pay the price.
14 agosto 2018 9:57
Very knowledgable and friendly staff to help you pick the right route in Los Nevados National Park.
17 abril 2018 21:37
Excelente servicio y amplio conocimiento del parque y sus recorridos. Siempre atentos a colaborar y alquilan muy buenos equipos para hacer más cómoda la caminata. La comida es buena y los snacks organizados con esmero aunque diría que algo azucarados. Ofrecen alternativas y ajustan los itinerarios de acuerdo con los intereses del grupo de caminantes. Lo recomendaría ampliamente si es la primera vez que se visita el parque.

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